
This is my personal collection of city maps.

The main purpose of this blog/catalogue is to help me to find out which maps I have or I missed.

Few word about me…

I cannot recall when it all started… but I think around early 90s. I realized that I really love maps and started to collect them. It was quite mature decision for 12 years old. Since then many of my life decisions were connected to maps, including selection of my main university faculty… geography. Also my different jobs, which maybe were not directly connected with maps or even geography, but allowed me to travel and buying these a lot… and from different countries. I’ve always had a rule…at least one map (preferable a city map) form the place I’ve been. Ops… I didn’t mention… my wife is a geographer too, so she really understands how freak I am :-)

Few words about my collection…

1st (and the most important) I only collect maps which have pure cartographical value, i.e. were not published due to advert reasons, so NO adverts on the maps! (of course there are some exceptions i.e. Dutch Falk Plan, which has plenty of adverts, but still the main reason of the map is its cartography).

2nd NO to folders, leaflets or any kind of one-time commercial publications.

3rd I collect mainly maps published after 1950, as these are much more accessible (and I don’t like reprints). Moreover these are much more accurate.

4th Publisher matters, I value only these which have at least several different publications of city maps in their portfolio.

5th Of course as a geographer I have plenty of different maps (which I really like), but the main love is city maps, i.e. in general scale less than 1:25 000.

Currently there are 1498 city maps in the catalogue.